Ahmad Sunandar born in Banjarnegara is the first of three in his family. He finished his undergraduate degree at STBA-IEC Jakarta majoring in Language and Literature. He got his master degree from Widya Dharma University Klaten majoring in English Education.
His teaching career started from Intensive English Course 06 Bekasi (IEC). He had been teaching English at Intensive English Course before studying at STBA-IEC. While studying at the college, he also taught in some formal schools such as MTs, SMA, and SMK. After he had gotten his undergraduate degree, he taught at STIE and Polytechnic for three years in Jakarta. Besides teaching in formal institutions, he contonously improved his skills by teaching in some companies. He is now teaching at Indonusa Polytechic as one of English lecturers.
He has also written some books such as Smart Speak in English (Flashbooks, 2015), English for Medical Centres; Completed with 400 Idioms and 100 Names of Diseases (Graha Ilmu, 2015), Buku Pintar Percakapan Bahasa Inggris untuk Perkantoran (DIVA Press, 2015), and other books which are used in some institutions and courses.
Makmun Syaifudin, S.Pd, M.Pd graduated from Engliash Department Surakarta Muhammadiyah University for his bachelor degree and continued to post graduated program of English Department in Sebelas Maret University and graduated in 2015. Teaching in several English courses and schools were his experience during S1 and S2. He used to hosting some international events held in Solo as he had worked as a radio announcer for six years. He has been teaching English in Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta since 2015 until now. Besides, he also works as a voice actor of English listening exercise books for schools made by some publishers.