Sinopsis Buku Industrial Practices in the Safety and Health Perspective
Buku Industrial Practices in the Safety and Health Perspective
Occupational health and safety is one aspect of labor protection which aims to enable workers to carry out their work comfortably, healthily and safely, so as to achieve an optimal increase in work productivity. Therefore, workers must obtain protection from various problems in the workplace that can cause occupational diseases and accidents (Silaban, 2014). Accidents also arise as a result of a combination of several factors. The most important factors are technical equipment, work environment, and the workers themselves (ILO, 1989). According to the ILO, every year 1.1 million deaths are caused by occupational diseases or accidents. Approximately 300,000 deaths occur from 250 million accidents and the rest are deaths due to occupational diseases, of which an estimated 160 million new occupational diseases occur each year (DepkesRI, 2007).
The high rate of work accidents in Indonesia requires serious attention. According to internal data from the Employment Social Security Agency of Health 2018, there were 157,313 work accident cases that occurred in Indonesia. Central Java Province is also a province that has a relatively high level of work accidents. According to data from the Department of Manpower, Transmigration, and Population Central Java Province stated that the number of work accidents tends to fluctuate. The number of work accidents in 2016 was 3,665 cases, in 2017 it decreased to 3,083 cases, and in 2018 it decreased by 48% to 1,468 cases.
Every work accident will certainly cause an impact or loss for the workforce (including colleagues, family), company/industry owners and the community. The losses caused by work-related accidents are: damage, organizational chaos (disorganization), complaints and sadness (distress), abnormalities and disability, and death (Silaban G., 2014).
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