Sinopsis Buku Impact Of Extraction Methods On Phytochemical Of Moringa Oleifera Lam
Buku Impact Of Extraction Methods On Phytochemical Of Moringa Oleifera Lam
Antioxidants are classified as compounds that can
hinder, inhibit or prevent the oxidation of oxidizable substances
by scavenging free radicals and decreasing oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress is an imbalanced state in which excessive levels
of reactive oxygen and/or nitrogen species (ROS/RNS, e.g.
superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical,
peroxynitrite) are capable of exceeding the ability of
endogenous antioxidants, resulting in biomacromolecules such
as enzymes, proteins, DNA and lipids being oxidized.
Oxidative stress is important in the development of chronic
degenerative diseases, including coronary heart disease, cancer
and aging.
Many plants, particularly medicinal plants, have been
extensively studied for their antioxidant activity in recent years.
It is believed that increased food intake, which is rich in natural
antioxidants, is associated with decreased risks of degenerative
diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
Berikut Daftar Isi Buku Kimia berjudul Impact Of Extraction Methods On Phytochemical Of Moringa Oleifera Lam, diantaranya:
- Introduction
- Preparation and Characterization of Phenolic compounds
- Extractions of phenolic compounds from Kelor leaves (moringa oleifera lam)
Spesifikasi Buku
Kategori Buku: Buku Kimia
Penulis : Ratna Surya Alwi & Agustina Deka
Halaman : x, 71 hlm, Uk: 17.5×25 cm
ISBN : 978-623-02-2241-2
Tahun Terbit : 2021
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