Prof. Dr. Didi Suherdi, M. Ed

Prof. Dr. Didi Suherdi, M. Ed.

Dosen/ Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Didi Suherdi is an author, a researcher, and a professor of English Language Teaching and currently the Chair of English Education Studies Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia as well as the founder of Celtics (Center of Excellence for Language Teaching Initiatives, Creativities, and Services). His main interest includes English teaching methodology, classroom discourse analysis, classroom studies, students’ learning engagement, teachers’ scaffolding, teacher training and education, and ICT in the teaching of English. He has been devoting his time to these areas of study for the last 25 years, especially on efforts for the betterment of English teaching quality in secondary schools and for continual improvement in English teacher pre-service and in-service trainings. His works have been well-documented in various forms, including seminar papers and proceedings, journal articles, learning modules, power point presentation materials, and books. This book is the latest development of his cumulative understanding of factors influencing language teaching and learning processes quality. His other books include English for Educational Sciences (PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 1996), Evaluasi Pengajaran (CV, 2000), Menakar Kualitas Proses Belajar Mengajar (UPI Press, 2007), Mikroskop Pedagogik Alat Analisis Proses Belajar Mengajar (UPI Press, 2008; Celtics Press, 2009), Panduan Pendidik (Pusat Perbukuan Depdiknas, 2009), Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Systemiotic Approach (Celtics Press, 2009), Rekonstruksi Pendidikan Bahasa (Celtics Press, 2012), Towards the 21st Century English Teacher Education (Celtics Press, 2012), Pemantapan Kompetensi Akademik (Celtics Press, 2013), Pendidikan Bahasa bagi Keunggulan Bangsa (UPI Press, 2016), English Teacher Education for the 21st Century Indonesia (UPI Press, 2017), and Teaching English in Industry 4.0 and Disruptive Era: A Practical Guide to Implementing SMELT I 4.0 DE in Indonesian classrooms (UPI Press, 2018). Apart from these books, ha has also written papers, articles, book chapters, novels, short stories, and poems. His Scopus ID 6504018680, and SINTA ID 5978101, ORCID ID is 0000-0002-2339-6744.

Buku Karya Prof. Dr. Didi Suherdi, M. Ed.

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