Diena Noviarini is working with the Ministry of Research and Technology as part of Ministry of Education and Cultural, Indonesia. She is a Lecturer in Public Sector Reform Program assignments which is ISO 9001:2008 and Researcher in State University of Jakarta, Indonesia since 2011. She is also a holder of series Research Intellectual Copyrights from the Ministry of Intellectual and Copyrights at a total of 9 Certificate of Copyrights. Her accomplishments are include – Graduate and Member of Young Leader Programme JICA 2010, the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology’s Grant Year 2017, the Chair Associate of SICSSAM Korean Conference 2017 & the Keynote Speaker in ICSTR 2018 and ICSTR 2019, the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology’s Grant Year 2018 and Indonesian Ministry of Education and Cultural in Public Society devotion Grant Year 2020.
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