Dosen/ Universitas Borneo Tarakan
Dr. Ramli, S.S., M.Pd. is a lecturer at English Education Department in Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Universitas Borneo Tarakan, North Kalimantan Indonesia. As education background, his Bachelor’s degree was attained in University 45 Makassar in 2009, Master’s Degree in State University of Makassar (UNM) (2012), and Doctor’s Degree in State University of Malang (UM) funded by the Minister of Research and Technology of Indonesia (2018). He also pursued Sandwich Scholarship from Higher Education research and technology ministry in The Ohio State University (OSU), Columbus OH, USA in 2017- 2018. He got involved in some communities like KARATE INKANAS45, Association of Sulawesi Students (ASSET), Benteng Panyyua (BPEC) Makassar, BMC Bulukumba, MAKES, HEC, PEC POLINEMA, and South Sulawesi Students (FORMASTER) –Malang, Toastmasters International (TMs), Language and American Culture Community OH, Main English community Malang (MAINEC), and International Agora Speakers Makassar.
Besides, He was a Head of English Department in Graduate Program Universitas Bosowa Makassar before applying a civil servant as a lecturer in Universitas Borneo Tarakan in 2019. He was also an English Instructor in Pare and in Brawijaya high school Malang, Junior high School Kalam Kudus Malang, Philosophy College Malang, STKIP MUH Bulukumba, and Katangka Maritime School, Gowa. As a teacher he sustainably explores his knowledge and experience by teaching and writing articles and books; Linguistics and Non-Linguistics Knowledge in L2 Listening Comprehension, Pasang tallasa kamase masea, the beauty of a simple life in Book Values of Sustainability that exist in Local Wisdom in Indonesia, Word Formation (derivational morphology), Current Research in ELT, and attends some international conferences and national seminars.
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