Dosen/ Universitas Indo Global Mandiri
Dr. Tien Yustini, S.E., M.Si., CIRR., CLMA., Ketua Program Magister Manajemen Universitas IGM. Aktif menulis dan publish jurnal seperti; “Analisis Produktivitas dan Dampak Lingkungan Akibat Strategi Perubahan Jenis Bahan Peledak di PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) TBK“ (2021), “Strategi Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Korupsi Pemerintah Kota Kupang” (2020), “Analisis Implementasi Strategi Cost Leadership, Market Expansion, dan Business Process Streamlining terhadap Kinerja PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk“ (2020), “Analysis of the Causes of Rubber Farmers Mortgaging Farms and Leisure Time Utilization Empowerment Model” (2020), “Pemanfaatan KUR, Pembentukan Koplay, Penggunaan saluran Distribusi Online: Solusi Peningkatan Usaha Kampung KB Layang Layang Kota Palembang“ (2019), “MSME-Based Industrial Development Straegy Through the Role of LPDB (Revolving Fund Management Institution) and South Sumatera UMKM Readiness Facing the Digital 4.0“ (2018), “Effectiveness of Poverty Reduction Program with Value Added Creation in Agribusiness Sector and Formulation of Strategic Plan and Policies“ (2018), “Influence Factors Venture Capital, Farmer’s Institutions and Bussiness Typed to Farmer’s Successfull of the Independently Direct Aid Program in Ogan Ilir“ (2017), “Determine The Economic, Socio Cultural Relation As well As Songket Craftsment Working System in South Sumatera“ (2016), “Role of Industry, Trading and Cooperative Agency to Increase Demokratic Economy Role (UMKM) in Palembang City Through Revolving Fund Program” (2016).
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