E-Book Bridging Innovation and Technology Social Cultural Contexts

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Hesti Lestari, Dewi Rostyaningsih, R. Slamet Santoso, Herbasuki, Aufarul Marom, Dewi Erowati, Puji Astuti, Nunik Retno Herawati, Neny Marlina, Syarief Makhya, Fitriyah, Teguh Yuwono, Supratiwi, Yuwanto, Amiek Soemarmi, Hari Susanta Nugraha, Nugrahani Citra Athene, Muhammad Isamu Taqiy Ali, Nina Widowati, Augustin Rina Herawati, Retno Sunu Astuti, Azaria Eda Pradana
viii, 131 hlm
Tahun Terbit

Deepublish Digital

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E-Book Bridging Innovation and Technology Social Cultural Contexts

This Bridging Innovation and Technology Social Cultural Contextsbook is specially crafted to provide comprehensive understanding towards cultural, economics and socio-politics practices in Indonesia as well as the role of technology in supporting these practices. This book discusses how to strengthen innovation culture through institutional support and recognition; innovation at the population and civil registry office; political dynamics in village head elections; political intervention and sustainability of development; the meaning of money politics; policy breakthroughs to resolve waste issues; the dilemma of selecting a clean leader in village governance; exploring batik micro business (the influences of organizational structure and culture on innovation capability); digital technology for sustainable social, business and political reforms; as well as tourism innovation to boost tourist visit. May this book serve as a helpful reference to enrich the knowledge and insight of all readers.

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