E-Book Critical Heutagogy Model for Critical Reading Instruction (Model Guidelines)

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Ni Wayan Surya Mahayanti
viii, 215 hlm
Tahun Terbit

Deepublish Digital

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E-Book Critical Heutagogy Model for Critical Reading Instruction (Model Guidelines)

This book is general guidelines for critical reading educators in universities who wish to implement empowering learning and are in line with the demands of 21st century learning. The Critical-Heutagogy Model (C-HM) guidelines are intended to provide educators with practical resources for implementing effective teaching strategies to increase students’ critical reading competencies and capabilities through language learning. Critical pedagogy and self-directed language learning are implemented in a formal education context with the help of the information contained in this model guidelines.

This guideline is intended to provide educators with hands-on procedures for implementing effective teaching strategies to increase students’ critical reading competencies and capabilities through language learning. It contains model syntax, procedures, and elements in which lecturers can learn from independently. Lecturers can also find examples of the plans, implementations, assessments, reflections, and piloting LMS for Critical-Heutagogy model. As this book provides step-by-step guidance, the author expects that teachers can tailor their own critical-based language learning according to the needs of their unique classes. The greatest impact of this document will ultimately be felt by students, the primary audience of education.

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