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E-Book English For Computer 1

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Harisa Mardiana
xii, 104 hlm
Tahun Terbit

Deepublish Digital

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E-Book English For Computer 1

Internal communication is one of the determinant factors for a company’s success in running a business and important element in building the organization’s reputation. Good internal communication is one of the characteristics of professionals who want to get a credible predicate. Organizations should involve internal stakeholders both individually and in groups inter divisions to manage the flow of internal communication from superiors to subordinates and vice versa (upward and downward); and maintaining the organizational climate in accordance with the organizational culture that is instilled. Information that is disseminated properly in terms of message quality and speed will support effectiveness of time spent, cost and create peace working environment. Internal communication requires harmonious human relations to build solid employee relations. Last but not least, the achievement of organizational goals depends on the type of leadership in providing support, motivation and practicing effective open communication. The bigger the size of the organization, the more obstacles are in practicing internal communication and this book will help with the theory and examples to discussing the description above.

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