E-Book Introduction To Cultural Language Learning Approach (CLLA): An Approach For Language Pedagogy [PDF]

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Dr. Dra. Hermayawati, S.Pd., M.Pd.
xi, 52 hlm
Tahun Terbit

Deepublish Digital

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Sinopsis Buku

CLLA stands for Cultural Language Learning Approach. It is an approach that has been introduced by the author in 2014 in the international conference forum held by Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman but it is published in an international journal in 2017. This book is particularly intended to provide an alternative reference for the relevant users. It contains illustrations, stages, and examples on how to use CLLA as an approach to support the learners’ language learning and is completed with the history of the language learning methods and/or approaches from the 20th (twentieth) to the 21st (twenty-first) centuries. The history of the previous methods and/or approaches is crucially needed to provide in this book for there is an inter-relation between the previous popular methods with the current ones, including BLM (Blended Learning Model), HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills), HLM (Hybrid Learning Model), Hyflex (Hybrid Flexible) in connection to CLLA.

This work consists of six chapters which contain respectively “Introduction”, “Cultural Language Learning Approach Design”, “Cultural Language Learning Approach: What, Why and How”, “Embedding CLLA, HOTS, and Blended Learning Model”, “Assessment Procedures on Language Learning Using CLLA” and “Conclusion”. Chapter I presents the background of CLLA existence completed with the history of language teaching methods (LTM) and teaching media. Chapter II includes the design of CLLA contextually. Chapter III explains the principles of the CLLA concept (What), the purpose of using CLLA (Why) and the stages of conducting the teaching and learning process using CLLA. How to embed CLLA, HOTS, BLM and/or Hyflex is performed in Chapter V. Chapter V illustrates how to conduct assessment and evaluation using CLLA in language teaching and the Conclusion which contains the summary of the content as a whole is provided in the last Chapter.

This book is the first edition. However, the author hopes that this book will benefit the users even though it may be still far from the reader’s and/or the users’ expectations by considering that “There is nothing perfect in the world”. That is why both the readers’ and users’ suggestions are crucially needed. Thanks a million for having utilized this book.

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