E-Book Microteaching In Digital Era : Theory and Practice [PDF]

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Dr. Ikhfi Imaniah, M.Pd. dan M. Abduh Al Manar, M.Pd.
x, 98 hlm,
Tahun Terbit

Deepublish Digital

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Sinopsis Buku

This book, Microteaching in Digital Era: Theory and Practice, is reference book for teachers and trainee teachers who will implement the concept of professional teaching in the classroom by designing the lesson plan, interactive learning media, and developing teaching skills particularly in digital age.

The purpose of this book is mainly to provide insightful implications of teaching which consist of eight sessions of discussion, namely: 1) the concept of microteaching; 2) warming up/ice breaking in teaching; 3) teaching process; 4) teaching receptive skills: listening and reading; 5) teaching productive skills: speaking and writing; 6) assessing students; 7) android-based learning; 8) social-media in education.

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