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E-Book Poinsettia Production In The Tropics

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Benny O. Tjia, Krisantini Markam, Bimo Hariokusumo & Arthur Engelhard
viii, 133 pg
Tahun Terbit

Deepublish Digital

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E-Book Poinsettia Production In The Tropics

Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd.) is a species of the Euphorbiacea family. Euphorbiaceae is a large family consisting of more than 700 species. It is a tropical shrub native to Mexico and Guatemala, South America. In their native habitat, poinsettias grow to be large woody shrubs, often reaching heights above 3m. The colorful and showy portions of the plant are modified leaves called bracts. Poinsettia bracts may be red, pink, white, yellow, speckled, or marbled; the most popular color is red. The poinsettia flowers are the small, yellow clusters in the center of the bracts. These flowers are characterized by a single female flower that has no petals and frequently without sepals, surrounded by individual male flowers, all enclosed in a structure called a cyathium.

Poinsettia is mostly known to have red color bracts. Most poinsettia cultivars are periclinal chimeras, i.e., tissues of one genetic composition occur in a layer of several cells thick, whereas other cell layers are genetically different in color. There are some genetic pinks from seed but most of the commercial cultivars are chimerical in nature.

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