E-Book Teaching Materials of Islamic Based Content In Teaching Vocabulary

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Hendra Eka Putra, M.Pd.
xii, 206 hlm
Tahun Terbit

Deepublish Digital

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E-Book Teaching Materials of Islamic Based Content In Teaching Vocabulary

This book entitled Teaching Materials of Islamic-based Content in Teaching Vocabulary serves as a fruitful material for teachers, students, or any independent learners who wish to enrich their vocabularies, especially regarding Islamic-related contents. This book is comprised of eleven units, namely: Unit 1–Tawheed: Oneness of Allah; Unit 2–Allah Has Knowledge of All Things; Unit 3–Allah’s Angels; Unit 4–The Qur’an; Unit 5–Prophet Muhammad; Unit 6–The Day After; Unit 7–Divine Decree (Al-Qadar); Unit 8–Kindness to Parents; Unit 9–Fasting (Sawm); Unit 10–Zakah: The Purifying Dues; and Unit 11–The Five Daily Prayers. Exercises are enclosed at the end of each unit to stimulate students’ understanding towards the materials given. Hopefully, this book provides a helpful assistance in the teaching and learning process.

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