E-Book The Discourse Of Public Policy and Management: Socio-Political And The Era Of Digitalization
This book titled The Discourse of Public Policy and Management: Socio-Political and the Era of Digitalizationis specially crafted to enrich readers’ knowledge and insight on the discourse surrounding the practices of public policy and management in Indonesia. The topics in this book include the development of halal tourism, pentahelix collaboration in tourism development, complaint management system in city government agency, community based tourism in realizing sustainable coastal tourism, red tape in licensing services for starting a business, cyberbullying on children in social media, online media framing when women fight violence against the environment, gender perspectives in Indonesian journalism (empowering voices and fostering change), conflict among muslims in Indonesia (indigenous muslim and wahhabi muslim), bureaucratic reform as an evaluation of government performance, as well as messages behind a magazine cover. May this book serve as a helpful reference to all readers in general. Happy reading!
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