E-Book Toward a New Era of Higher Education

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Prof. Dr. Bambang Cipto, M.A
x, 141 hlm
Tahun Terbit

Deepublish Digital

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E-Book Toward a New Era of Higher Education

This book is an attempt to describe the roadmap for higher education up to 2030. In the first chapter, we will discuss the main principles of higher education and the mission of higher education. In chapter two, the priority of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics study programs will be discussed. Prioritizing these study programs is very important in the midst of today’s rapid changes in science and technology.

Chapter three of this book will explain the benefits of the university internationalization program, especially the mobilization of students and lecturers both abroad and from outside to within the country. Besides that, partnerships between universities and private corporations will also be discussed with the hope that students will be better prepared to face future employment.

Chapter four of this book will discuss transnational education. Cooperation between universities by opening branch campuses is another way to accelerate the progress of a nation. The number of international programs and the opening of branch campuses from developed countries in developing countries has proven to be able to boost the quality of higher education in developing countries.

Chapter five describes how the strategies of higher education institutions in various countries prepare their graduates to enter the workforce. Chapter six of this book describes the contribution of universities to the continuity of the world community in the future. Meanwhile, chapter seven or the final chapter will describe the rise of higher education in Asia.

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