Buku Ajar English for Science


Rp 63.500

PengarangHerri Susanto, S.S., M.Hum.
InstitusiStitek Bontang
KategoriBuku Ajar
Bidang IlmuBahasa dan Sastra
ISBN 978-602-401-295-3
x, 119 hlm
HargaRp. 63.500
Ketersediaan Pesan Dulu

Dikirim dari Sleman, Yogyakarta

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Sinopsis Buku Ajar English for Science

Buku Ajar English for Science : My students deserve to gain better education including a better book to learn. That’s why I wonder how to design a book which fulfills their needs. Eleven years I have been trying to find a good book that’s satisfying me and my students which of course I have to consider their level and their needs. However, I failed to find the good one. Here it is! Since I realized that the students need a suitable book, I designed this Buku Ajar.Buku Ajar English for Science, is finally done. I am sure that by using the book, lecturers and students majoring in Science and Technology can use it as a media for learning reading, writing, and speaking better. I cover the book in ten units or topics. The topics is consisted of choosing a course, Presenting numbers 1, Noise Pollution, Branches of Engineering, Safety at Work, Describing Visual Aids in Presentation 1, New Technology, Presenting Numbers 2, Shapes and Position, and Describing Visual Aids in Presentation 2. To provide a clear description about the topics, I involve each unit with the sub-topics such as Tuning-in, reading, writing, and speaking. Moreover, I believe that the infomation contained in this book will enhance the skills of practicing reading and writing while developing the speaking of all students. To the hundreds of students at STITEK Bontang-East Kalimantan, I dedicate this book. I especially appreciate the inspiration to begin the project and the unflagging encouragement from mr Hardianto,ST.,M.Eng my friend in my small office room at STITEK Bontang, Bambang Purwanto, Ahdi Riyono, Faiza Hawa, Qorinta Shinta my best friends when we were in Unibraw and Undip. Finally I am indebted to my family—-Nana, Audrey and Faiq—for their support during 6 months I worked on this book. Please enjoy. Buku Ajar English for Science ini diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Buku Pendidikan Deepublish.

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