Buku Analysis Of Stock Price Response To Listing on Jakarta Stock Exchange: An Efficient Capital Market Test (Revised 2020)


Rp 81.000

PenulisDr. Fatumah M.N. Nandago (PhD -Economics)
KategoriBuku Referensi
Bidang IlmuEkonomi
Ukuran17.5×25 cm
Halamanxvi, 101 hlm
KetersediaanPesan Dulu

Dikirim dari Sleman, Yogyakarta

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Sinopsis Buku Analysis Of Stock Price Response To Listing on Jakarta Stock Exchange: An Efficient Capital Market Test (Revised 2020)

Buku Analysis Of Stock Price Response To Listing on Jakarta Stock Exchange: An Efficient Capital Market Test (Revised 2020) Analysis of Stock Price Response to Listing on Jakarta Stock Exchange: An Efficient Market Test (2019) is a Revised Edition of a Masters Degree Thesis of the author that she wrote while pursuing her Master of Science in Business Management (MSc.) Degree at the Faculty of Economics, Gadjah Mada University within the period 1994-1996. While the Thesis analyzed how stock prices of firms listed within the period 1993-1995 on the Jakarta Stock Exchange fluctuated immediately after their IPO (for new listings) and prior to and after additional listing (for additional share listings), the objective underlying the research, as specifically stated in chapter one, was to identify the state of efficiency at that time, of the vibrant stock exchange and a global financial center. By examining the stock price behavior or the return performance of the 58 firms that did listing on the stock exchange within the period of study, the researcher was able to deduce that Jakarta Stock Exchange was efficient in the semi-strong form of the Efficient Market Hypothesis. This is explicitly presented in Chapters three, four and five, respectively presenting the Theoretical framework of the research, the Research methodology, and Conclusions and recommendations. The motivation to write and therefore have this revised edition of the book published was due to the numerous institutional, economic, technological and business operational changes that have taken place in the wider environment within which the stock exchange operates. Indeed these changes have had significant impacts on the state of operation of the bourse, the changes that could have culminated into the change of its name from Jakarta Stock Exchange to Indonesian Stock Exchange. Buku Analysis Of Stock Price Response To Listing on Jakarta Stock Exchange: An Efficient Capital Market Test (Revised 2020) ini diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Buku Pendidikan Deepublish. Dapatkan buku-buku berkualitas hanya di Toko Buku Online Deepublish. Kami berfokus menjual buku-buku kuliah untuk Mahasiswa di seluruh Indonesia, dengan pilihan terlengkap kamu pasti mendapatkan buku yang Anda cari. Kelebihan kami : *Buku Baru *Original *Pengiriman Cepat *Stok selalu tersedia *Packing aman & rapi *Garansi 100% jika produk rusak/cacat/tidak sesuai KAMI GANTI atau UANG ANDA KEMBALI

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