Buku Indonesia’s Contribution to Macro Sustainability


Rp 63.000

PenulisMichael R. Reed Dyana Sari
KategoriBuku Umum
Bidang IlmuSosial dan Politik
Ukuran14×20 cm
Halamanxii, 124 hlm
KetersediaanPesan Dulu

Dikirim dari Sleman, Yogyakarta

Biaya Pengiriman

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Sinopsis Buku Indonesia’s Contribution to Macro Sustainability

Buku Indonesia’s Contribution to Macro Sustainability Most Indonesian people don’t know about how far the environment  investigates pollution associated with global warming for many Asian countries. Because some of the concepts and ideas in the book are rather new, therefore, this book should be distributed widely to improve the knowledge level about the environment. These ideas and concepts are especially important for students who study the Indonesian economy and agriculture. Our daily actions have many ramifications on ourselves and others. It is important to know about these negative impacts, understand ways that these negative impacts can reduced, and work to change our everyday lives in ways that are consistent with a better environment (in this case to reduce climate change).There is a potential trade-off between economic growth, or well-being, and environmental improvements, so this book also goes over economic and social progress for Asian countries. This book also offers the possibilities to revitalize the environment and several ways to find its improvements. Buku Indonesia’s Contribution to Macro Sustainability ini diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Buku Pendidikan Deepublish. Dapatkan buku-buku berkualitas hanya di Toko Buku Online Deepublish. Kami berfokus menjual buku-buku kuliah untuk Mahasiswa di seluruh Indonesia, dengan pilihan terlengkap kamu pasti mendapatkan buku yang Anda cari. Kelebihan kami : *Buku Baru *Original *Pengiriman Cepat *Stok selalu tersedia *Packing aman & rapi *Garansi 100% jika produk rusak/cacat/tidak sesuai KAMI GANTI atau UANG ANDA KEMBALI

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