Buku Intensive Course Reading

Pengarang Elanneri Karani, dkk
Kategori Buku Referensi
Bidang Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra
ISBN 978-602-475-696-3
Ukuran 17.5×25 cm
Halaman viii, 91 hlm
Harga Rp.0
Ketersediaan Pesan Dulu
Tahun Terbit  2018

Dikirim dari Sleman, Yogyakarta

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Sinopsis Buku Intensive Course Reading

Buku Intensive Course Reading|

To fulfill the demands of literacy competence and the aspects to be included, Intensive Course: Reading Skill is designed to help the students learn to read from the basic components of reading. This book will help the students in developing their vocabulary mastery through reading the texts on familiar topics. The texts are adapted from the internet sources, such as wiki pages, online brochure, and texts from online magazines and websites. To lead the students to have comprehension, comprehension questions, vocabulary focus, and sentence structure are provided. They are designed for the students to practice and to comprehend the texts given on the topics. The topics chosen are varied considering local content and familiar topics in everyday life from the issue of environment and culture to personal preference like hobbies and campus activities.

No book comes with full of perfection. For the betterment of this book, the writers acknowledge any supportive and constructive suggestions for future use. The writers would also like to express gratitude to all parties involved for valuable supports and suggestions in finishing this book. For the users, the writers expect that this book will be beneficial to facilitate reading comprehension skill.

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