Buku Marine Safety


Rp 70.000

PengarangDr. Capt. Drs. HM. Thamrin, MM
InstitusiAkademi Maritim Djadajat
KategoriBuku Ajar
Bidang IlmuPerikanan dan Kelautan
Halamaniv + 228 Hlm
HargaRp. 70.000,-
Ketersediaan Pesan dulu
SinopsisThe Maritime English Program Marine Safety is one of the subject that book by the student in Akademi Maritime “DJADAJAT” Jakarta, of maritime for Marine Safety with the ability and capability of the students to communicate and make conversation in English. Both oral and writing, as the objectives.English is very useful and important, especially for candidates to perform the Sea Project (PROLA) on board foreign vessel.

Dikirim dari Sleman, Yogyakarta

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Sinopsis Buku Marine Safety

Buku Marine Safety | The Maritime English Program Marine Safety is one of the subject that book by the student in Akademi Maritime “DJADAJAT” Jakarta, of maritime for Marine Safety with the ability and capability of the students to communicate and make conversation in English. Both oral and writing, as the objectives.English is very useful and important, especially for candidates to perform the Sea Project (PROLA) on board foreign vessel. Buku Marine Safety ini diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Buku Pendidikan Deepublish.  Buku Matematika | Buku Psikologi | Buku Filsafat | Buku Agama Islam Buku Kedokteran | Buku Ilmu Komunikasi | Buku Bahasa dan Sastra | Buku Sains dan Teknologi | Buku Pendidikan 

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