Buku Semantic Patterns of Disagreements in English

Rp 107.000

Penulis Dr. Nurlaelah, M.Hum.
Kategori Buku Referensi
Bidang Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra
ISBN 978-623-02-1991-7
Ukuran 15.5×23 cm
Halaman xii, 105 hlm
Ketersediaan Pesan Dulu
Tahun 2020

Dikirim dari Sleman, Yogyakarta

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Sinopsis Buku Semantic Patterns of Disagreements in English

Buku Semantic Patterns of Disagreements in English

This book is a research result based on the expression of general patterns of disapproval in English that are most often used by native speakers of Indonesian (SPI) and native speakers of English (SPE). Are there similarities and differences? The results of this study examined the culture of decency in communication, especially in expressing their disagreement with something, be it an idea or a phenomenon to which they respond. There were some kinds of semantic formulas used by NSE and NSI. Those are, 1) Semantic formulas used to express disagreement by NSE are ‘suggestions’, ‘criticism’, etc.; 2) In NSE, status, and sex did not influence their ways in expressing disagreement, while in NSI, sometimes status and sex influenced their ways in expressing disagreement. It is probably because of culture and tradition factors; 3) Based on the findings, the writer can conclude that the semantic formulas that are mostly used by NSE were ‘suggestions’. ‘Criticism’ and ‘others’ formulas, respectively but NSI was “I disagree”, “criticism”, and “suggestion” formulas, respectively.

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