Buku Semantics: The Study of Meanings

Rp 80.000

Penulis Suzana Rahman
Kategori Buku Referensi
Bidang Ilmu Bahasa Inggris
ISBN 978-602-280-717-9
Ukuran 14×20 cm
Halaman xiv, 209 hlm
Ketersediaan Pesan Dulu
Tahun 2016

Dikirim dari Sleman, Yogyakarta

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Sinopsis Buku Semantics: The Study of Meanings

Buku Semantics: The Study of Meanings

The sources of this course book basically taken from some writers of semantics who are experts in this field. This book is the special edition that has been revised and completed from the former ones. Students also can learn about the differences among sentences, utterences and propositions in this edition. Sections that might be forgotten to be discussed formerly.

Linguistic semantics is the focus of this book. It is concerned with identifying the meaningful elements of specific languages, for example, English words like play and care and affixes like the er of player and the less of careless. It is concerned with describing how such elements go together to express more complex meanings, such as in the following phrases: the careless player and the sentences like The player is careless. In semantics can be learnt how these are related to each other. Linguistic semantics also deals with the meanings expressed by modulation of the speaker’s voice and the process by which hearers and readers relate new information to add the information that had already exist.

Spesifikasi Buku
Kategori Buku: Buku Bahasa Inggris
Penulis : Suzana Rahman
Halaman: xiv, 209 hlm.; Uk:14×20 cm
ISBN : 978-602-280-717-9
Tahun Terbit : 2024

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