Sinopsis Buku Tombatu Language (Phonological, Morphological and Syntactic)
Buku Tombatu Language (Phonological, Morphological and Syntactic)
Tombatu (Tonsawang) is considered to belong to the Minahasan Language group. The other four are Tombulu, Tonsea, Tondano (Tolour) and Tontemboan Language. Other languages which are often said to related although not considered belong to the Minahasan Language group are Bantik Language, Pasan Language (Ratahan) and Ponosakan Language. The Tombatu (Tonsawang) Language is spoken in Tombatu subdistrict of Minahasa. So far, there have been numerous efforts to revive the attention to Tombatu (Tonsawang) culture, including its language.
This book introduces the phonological, morphological and syntactic aspects of Tombatu (Tonsawang) Language. Comprised of six chapters, this book delivers introductory remarks, the sound segments, Tombatu (Tonsawang) phonemes, morphology, morphophonology, as well as syntax. May this book serve as a helpful source to readers in general who aim to broaden their knowledge on Tombatu (Tonsawang) Language.
Berikut Daftar Isi Buku Tombatu Language (Phonological, Morphological and Syntactic), diantaranya:
- Introductory Remarks
- The Sound Segments (Stress Accent)
- Tombatu (Tonsawang) Phonemes
- Morphology
- Morphophonology
- Syntax
Spesifikasi Buku
Kategori Buku: Buku Bahasa
Penulis : Dr. Drs. Nicolas Gosal, M.Hum.
Halaman : viii, 58 hlm, Uk: 15.5×23 cm
ISBN : 978-623-02-8498-4
Tahun Terbit : 2024
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