Monograph Digitalization on English Language Education: Literacy and Competence


Rp 51.000


PenulisDr. Miranti Eka Putri, S.Pd., M.Ed.
KategoriBuku Referensi
Bidang IlmuBahasa dan Sastra
Ukuran15.5×23 cm
Halamanx, 44 hlm
KetersediaanPesan Dulu

Dikirim dari Sleman, Yogyakarta

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Sinopsis Monograph Digitalization on English Language Education: Literacy and Competence

Monograph Digitalization on English Language Education: Literacy and Competence Nawacita’s priority agenda on aspects of education and cultural development is at points five, six, eight, and nine in The National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) year 2015–2019. There are six literacy skills that must be mastered by the Indonesian people to support Indonesia’s country development, such as (1) language literacy, (2) numeracy literacy, (3) scientific literacy, (4) digital literacy, (5) financial literacy, and (6) cultural and social literacy of citizenship which has developed into the National Literacy Movement (GLN). It was initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture and has been implemented in the family, school, and community scope. The problem of people’s interest in reading is at a serious level as evidenced in several surveys conducted, including:

  1. Human Development Index (2013) Indonesia is ranked 108 out of 187 countries;
  2. Central Connecticut State University (2016) Indonesia is ranked 60th out of 61 countries;
  3. Program for International Students Assessment (2016), Indonesia is ranked 64 out of 72 countries;
  4. The Indonesia National Assessment Program (INAP) states that the ability of elementary school students in mathematics competence is 77.13%, science competence is 73.61%, and reading competence is 46.83%.

It can be concluded that the level of interest in reading and literacy of the Indonesian people is at an alarming level and requires a significant solution. The National Literacy Movement (GLN) must be applied to the family, school, and community environment. It has to be carried out, especially by the younger generation, to grow interest in reading. There are aspects that affect a person’s interest in reading. Hurlock (2009) states that there are five components that affect a person’s reading interest, such as awareness, attention, concentration, willingness, and pleasure. Monograph Digitalization on English Language Education: Literacy and Competence ini diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Buku Pendidikan Deepublish. Dapatkan buku-buku berkualitas hanya di Toko Buku Online Deepublish. Kami berfokus menjual buku-buku kuliah untuk Mahasiswa di seluruh Indonesia, dengan pilihan terlengkap kamu pasti mendapatkan buku yang Anda cari. Kelebihan kami : *Buku Baru *Original *Pengiriman Cepat *Stok selalu tersedia *Packing aman & rapi *Garansi 100% jika produk rusak/cacat/tidak sesuai KAMI GANTI atau UANG ANDA KEMBALI


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