The Introduction to Terrorism Studies in 21st Century: Maintaining The Stabilization of National Security

Rp 142.000

Penulis Syarifurohmat Pratama Santoso, S.IP.
Kategori  Buku Referensi
Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Politik
ISBN 978-623-02-2964-0
Ukuran 15.5×23 cm
Halaman xx, 141 hlm
Ketersediaan Pesan Dulu
Tahun 2021

Dikirim dari Sleman, Yogyakarta

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Sinopsis The Introduction to Terrorism Studies in 21st Century: Maintaining The Stabilization of National Security

The Introduction to Terrorism Studies in 21st Century: Maintaining The Stabilization of National Security

Facing the 21st century era, Indonesia needs early vigilance in order to prevent the spread of the issue of radicalism in society. The spread of radicalism in Indonesia needs to be anticipated early, starting from the older generation to the generation of children. A strong intelligence network and solid inter-institutional coordination are essential for prevention, control and eradication. The law on terrorism in Indonesia which was only passed in 2018 is one of the right steps for the government to carry out early detection of the spread of terrorism in society. This is certainly one of the reactions taken by the government in response to the series of acts of terrorism that have occurred in the past few years.

Referring to the current government‟s response, the anticipation made to counter radicalism can also be seen in the composition of President Joko Widodo‟s second term cabinet. Even today, in the posture of the cabinet in the era of President Joko Widodo, there are names from the military to the police in state ministry positions. An example of this is the inclusion of the name Fachrul Razi, who has a military background, to become minister of religion. In addition, there is also the name Tito Karnavian, who once served as the National Police Chief with the ability to handle terrorism as the minister of Home Affairs. These things can be an identification that the current cabinet of President Joko Widodo also has a focus in dealing with the spread of radicalism in Indonesia.

The book “The Introduction to Terrorism Studies in 21st Century: Maintaining the Stabilization of National Security” is a study that can be used as a reference for the general public, practitioners, and academics to learn the basics of terrorism. Broadly speaking, this book attempts to describe the terrorism movement that exists and is developing internationally. Starting from the description of terrorism, psychology in the recruitment pattern of terrorism groups, global terrorism, the history of Indonesian terrorism, the spread of terrorism, cyber terrorism, analysis of counter-terrorism management, and the role of agencies and institutions in Indonesia in countering terrorism. Accompanied by current problems, the sub-chapters of this book have been adapted to the development of existing societies.

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