E-Book Filling The Gap Of Policy And Social : Technology And Management Utilizations

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R. Slamet Santoso, Hesti Lestari, Dewi Rostyaningsih, Amni Zarkasyi Rahman, Retna Hanani, Satria Aji Imawan, Maesaroh, Dyah Lituhayu, Augustin Rina Herawati, Ida Hayu Dwimawanti, Tri Yuniningsih, Bangkit A. Wiryawan, Dzunuwanus Ghulam Manar, Teguh Yuwono, Laila Kholid Alfirdaus, Ardi Muhammad Rifqi, Santi Delliana, Dani Vardiansyah Lidya Wati Evelina, Titik Djumiarti, Hartuti Purnaweni, Selfi Amalia, Muhammad Bayu Widagdo, Yanuar Luqman, Nurist Surayya Ulfa
x, 130 pages
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Deepublish Digital

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E-Book Filling The Gap Of Policy And Social : Technology And Management Utilizations

Filling the Gap of Policy and Social: Technology and Management Utilizations is a book that explores how technology and management can bridge the gap between public policy and social dynamics. As technology advances rapidly, government policies often struggle to keep up, leading to social disparities.

Written in an accessible yet insightful manner, this book is ideal for policymakers, academics, technology practitioners, and anyone interested in the intersection of policy, society, and technology. By gaining a deeper understanding of the role of technology and management, readers are expected to find practical solutions for addressing existing gaps and creating positive societal change.

This book consists of some articles that provide valuable guidance on using technology and management practices to fill the gaps in policy implementation, particularly in developing countries like Indonesia. Happy reading!

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