Buku A Communication Skill for Business


Rp 70.000

PengarangKasto Munawiharto, M.Pd. dan Euis Nurmala, S.Pd.
InstitusiPoliteknik Perdana Mandiri Purwakarta
KategoriBuku Ajar
Bidang IlmuEkonomi
viii, 152 hlm.; 20 cm
KetersediaanPesan Dulu



Dikirim dari Sleman, Yogyakarta

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Sinopsis Buku A Communication Skill for Business

Buku A Communication Skill for Business | Buku ini berisi tentang A Communication Skill for Business yang ditulis oleh Kasto Munawiharto, M.Pd. dan Euis Nurmala, S.Pd.  dari Politeknik Perdana Mandiri Purwakarta. Terdiri lebih dari 152 halaman. “This book is intended for students of Accounting, Computing and Information Technology, Management Business and also who concern in business. We prepare the  graduates having good skills that can meet the Industrial qualifications. One of the qualifications  that will be requested is English proficiency. The teaching sources of the English subject are compiled from some communicative English Books in order to follow the new trends of the English communication developments. We hope, the students are able to use the English language as means of communication. In relation to the objective, the writers hope that the handouts can help the students comprehend  the English subject and can achieve the objectives successfully.” Buku A Communication Skill for Business ini diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Buku Pendidikan Deepublish. Lihat juga kategori buku-buku yang lain: Buku Biologi Buku Kesehatan | Buku Hukum | Buku Ekonomi | Buku Kimia | Buku Manajemen | Buku Psikologi | Buku Pendidikan | Buku Sosial Politik Buku Metode Riset | Buku Sains dan Teknologi

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