Buku Ajar Thermo-Fluids | Dalam kajian yang komprehensif ini, Taufik, Ph.D., memaparkan penjelasan yang mendalam dan unik mengenai thermo-fluids. Secara rinci, terbagi dalam 7 chapter. Chapter 1 Introduction To Thermal and Fluids Engineering, Chapter 2 The First Law of Thermodynamics, Chapter 3 Thermodynamic Properties, Chapter 4 Thermodynamics Cycles and The Second, Chapter 5 Refrigeration, Heat Pump and Power Cycles, Chapter 6 Fundamentals of Fluids Mechanics, dan Chapter 7 Internal Flow. In thermal-fluids systems, the focus is on energy: its use, conversion, or transmission in one form or another. For example, consider a few of the energy flows in a car. Gasoline is stored in a tank until its energy is needed to move the vehicle from one place to another, and then the gasoline is pumped from the tank to the engine. In the engine the fuel is burned, and some of the released chemical energy is converted to useful mechanical power to propel the car. Mechanical power is also extracted to drive: the water pump used in the engine-cooling system; the alternator to provide electrical power for the CD player, lights, cooling fan motor, and fuel pump; and the air-conditioning system. Cars of the 21st century are dramatically improved over those of the early 1900s. The advances in engineering are the result of improved technical knowledge and the systematic application of this knowledge. The intelligent use of basic thermal and fluids engineering principles has improved the design of cars and other thermal-fluids systems as diverse as buildings and window air conditioners. To begin an analysis, we must decide what aspect of the car we want to study. Is it the engine, the radiator where heat is removed from the engine coolant and released into the atmosphere, the water pump, the fuel supply system (pump, fuel lines, and fuel injector), the air-conditioning system, or the passenger compartment? Do we want to examine the water-cooling system to determine what is needed to pump water through the engine-cooling system, the heat transfer from the water to the air flowing through the radiator, the ‘conversion of the chemical energy in the gasoline to mechanical power in the engine, the energy contained within the exhaust gases, the refrigerant flow in the air-conditioning system Buku Ajar Thermo-Fluids ini diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Buku Pendidikan Deepublish. Lihat koleksi buku lainnya di : Toko Buku Online Deepublish |
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