Buku Identifiying Professional EYL Teachers

Rp 61.000

Pengarang Maisa, M.Pd.
Institusi Universitas Wiralodra Indramayu
Kategori Buku Ajar
Bidang Ilmu Bahasa & Sastra
ISBN 978-602-7811-53-9
Ukuran A5
Halaman 106 Hlm
Harga Rp. 61.000
Ketersediaan Pesan Dulu

Dikirim dari Sleman, Yogyakarta

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Sinopsis Buku Identifiying Professional EYL Teachers

Buku Identifiying Professional EYL Teachers |

This book focuses on teachers’ understanding on characteristics of professional EYL teachers. It aims to figure out teachers’ understanding of the characteristics of professional EYL teachers and the influence of their understanding of their teaching practices. The book based of the study uses a case study, involving three English teachers of Elementary Schools in Indramayu. The participants of the study represented teachers from different background and experience. The data for the study were collected through questionnaires, interviews and class observation.

Questionnaires and interviews were conducted to figure out teachers’ understanding on the characteristics of professional EYL teachers, the personal qualities, skill qualities and knowledge qualities. Classroom observation were conducted to gain the data concerning the implementation of their understanding in their teaching practices in the classroom. The data collecting were analyzed on the basis of the central theme posted in research questions: (1) teachers’ understanding on characteristics of a professional EYL teachers; (2) the implementation in teachers’ practices.

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