Buku Teens Fun World Supplementary English Book for the 7th Grade

Penulis Patrick E. Tuasela, S.Pd., M.Pd., dkk
Kategori Buku Ajar
Bidang Ilmu Bahasa Inggris
Ukuran 15.5×23 cm
Halaman vi, 50 hlm
Ketersediaan Pesan Dulu
Tahun 2023

Dikirim dari Sleman, Yogyakarta

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Sinopsis Buku Teens Fun World Supplementary English Book for the 7th Grade

Buku Teens Fun World Supplementary English Book for the 7th Grade

TEENS FUN WORLD: Supplementary English Book for the 7th Grade is a book written collaboratively by several authors who are experienced in teaching and learning English. Each unit in this book was written by a different author. The authors successfully built each unit creatively to answer the needs of each unit by adjusting the learners’ language proficiency level. The level of learner’s language proficiency level has previously been identified through observations at the 7th Grade of several junior high schools in Leihitu and West Lehitu Sub-districts, Central Maluku Regency, Maluku Province.

Broadly speaking, this book is presented as supplemental material in an effort to accommodate the concept of learning English as fun. This book is packed with fun learning activities, for example the use of games in language learning, project-based learning which requires learners to be more active in learning outside the classroom, as well as the use of local wisdom potentials so that the learners could feel more familiar with the material content. The presence of this book is only as a support for the main learning resource, in which later the teacher can utilize the activities in this book as alternative activities that are tailored to the needs of the class. It is expected that with the publication of this book, English teaching and learning can become more varied so that it can be more enjoyable for both teachers and learners at the 7th Grade of junior high school level, especially in Maluku Province.

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