Sinopsis Buku The Implementation of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis in Musical Instrument Manufacturing Company
Buku The Implementation of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis in Musical Instrument Manufacturing Company
PT X is a leading company that produces pianos both in Indonesia and the world. The piano-making process at PT X goes through various detailed processes, including wood processing, paint, assembly, irradiation, sound and tone alignment, as well as legal and quality inspections. This company always maintains and improves product quality. The company makes various efforts to create continuous improvements and create plenary products for consumers. When a gap is found between the standard specifications and the product specifications produced by each department, the company always evaluates and repairs so that the number of defective products can be minimized. The company has made various efforts to minimize product defects and improve product quality, one of which is by conducting various kinds of studies with various methods. Many studies have been conducted with cases in many workstations of the PT X department. This study was conducted to find a variety of problems related to quality, and various methods are also used to get a systematic approach to finding solutions. One of the methods used is Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA).
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Kelebihan kami :
*Buku Baru
*Pengiriman Cepat
*Stok selalu tersedia
*Packing aman & rapi
*Garansi 100% jika produk rusak/cacat/tidak sesuai KAMI GANTI atau UANG ANDA KEMBALI
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