Sinopsis Buku Transforming Talent Development In The Digital Era Case Study of Islamic Rural Banks
Buku Transforming Talent Development In The Digital Era Case Study of Islamic Rural Banks
In the dynamic landscape of modern finance, where digital transformation and innovation are paramount, the role of talent management cannot be overstated. TRANSFORMING TALENT DEVELOPMENT OF ISLAMIC RURAL BANKS IN THE DIGITAL ERA is a pioneering and timely book that delves into the crucial intersection of learning methodologies, human resource strategies, and the evolving financial sector, particularly within the unique context of Islamic rural banks.
Islamic finance represents a distinct and growing segment of the global financial ecosystem. In this context, the efficient and effective development of digital talent is not only essential but also holds the promise of driving innovation and success for these institutions. This book addresses the nuances and intricacies of talent development in the Islamic rural banking sector, exploring how digital adoption is affected by several factors, talent mapping is needed for the successful of digital transformation, several resources should be fulfilled, and learning design can be tailored to nurture and harness the digital talents necessary for these banks to thrive and serve their communities effectively.
Berikut Daftar Isi Buku Transforming Talent Development In The Digital Era Case Study of Islamic Rural Banks, diantaranya:
- Introduction
- The Development Of Islamic Rural Banks In Indonesia
- The Drivers Of Digital Adoption In Islamic Rural Banks
- The Need For Talent Mapping In Digital Era
- The Impact Of Learning Program On Digital Talent Output
- The Integration Of Resources On Talent Management And Digital Transformation
- The Role Of Talent Management And Digital Transformation On Business Performance
- Strategic Recommendation For Accelerating Digital Transformation In Islamic Rural Banks
- Conclusion
Spesifikasi Buku
Kategori Buku: Buku Ekonomi
Penulis : Dety Nurfadilah, Sudarmawan Samidi, dan Wiwiek Mardawiyah Daryanto
Halaman : xii, 78 hlm, Uk: 15.5×23 cm
ISBN : 978-623-02-9584-3
Tahun Terbit : 2024
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