Buku Gender Dynamics: An Interaction Of Learning Speaking In University, Problems And Theories

Rp 56.500

Pengarang Sigit Apriyanto 
Kategori Buku Referensi 
Bidang Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra 
ISBN 978-623-02-0036-6 
Ukuran 14×20 cm 
Halaman x, 54 hlm
Ketersediaan Pesan Dulu
Tahun  2019

Dikirim dari Sleman, Yogyakarta

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Sinopsis Buku  Gender Dynamics: An Interaction Of Learning Speaking In University, Problems And Theories 

Buku  Gender Dynamics: An Interaction Of Learning Speaking In University, Problems And Theories |

A large percentage of the world’s language learners study English in order to develop proficiency in speaking. The ability to speak a second or foreign language well is a very complex task if we try to understand the nature of what appears to be involved. To begin with, speaking is used for many different purposes, and each purpose involves different skills. In some situations, we use speaking to give instructions or to get things done. We may use speaking to describe things, to complain about people’s behavior, to make polite requests, or to entertain people with jokes and anecdote. Learning a foreign language particularly English is not easy.  

In talking about communication using language commonly or especially in English, someone needs to exercise hard in reading, listening, speaking and writing skill. Therefore English language syllabus is commonly used in many programs of the education department, the four skills (reading, listening, speaking, and writing) become the focus of learning that will be studied by their students. 

On the other hand, every student has ways and different strategies in learning English until skilled, particularly in learning speaking. Between male and female students have a strategy for each and to establish those strategies need to be trained continuously. Besides, the teacher should have very good interpretation and be able to analyze the students’ needs to select the appropriate teaching approaches, styles, method, and technique in order to help the students achieve the goals, in this case teaching the language. By doing so, the teacher has prepared the learners to face any problems they have. 

Learning strategies are worth to be applied in learning a second/foreign language, English. Learning strategies are techniques, approaches or deliberate actions that students take in order to facilitate the learning and recall of both linguistic and content area of information. In other words, strategies here are consciously selected and used by the learners. Moreover, the selection of learning strategies will differ among students especially in university as they have been learning English since elementary school and finally created learning dynamic.  

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