Integrating Technology And Humanity Into Language Teaching Book 2: Linguistics and Culture

Penulis Jason D. Gold … [et al.]
Institusi Universitas Islam Indonesia
Kategori Buku Referensi
Bidang Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra
e-ISBN 978-623-02-3215-2
Ukuran 17.5×25 cm
Halaman ix, 104 hlm
Ketersediaan Pesan Dulu
Tahun 2021

Dikirim dari Sleman, Yogyakarta

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Sinopsis Integrating Technology And Humanity Into Language Teaching Book 2: Linguistics and Culture

Integrating Technology And Humanity Into Language Teaching Book 2: Linguistics and Culture

The 2020 ICOLTEC has been successfully held by English Language Education Department of Universitas Islam Indonesia in November 11-12, 2020. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, our virtually held international conference and workshop have managed to invite significant numbers of local, national and international presenters who have generously shared their high-quality papers and research findings through our conference platform. Hence, we are greatly indebted to them.

As part of our commitment to value the participants’ excellent contributions, a team of ICOLTEC reviewers have managed to select 11 papers to be published in two of our book chapters under the technology and culture themes. The selected papers have subsequently undergone rigorous review and editing process worthy of publication. We thank all the contributors for trusting their works to us and to our reviewers for volunteering their time in helping to screen high quality papers and provided invaluable constructive feedback to improve all of the papers.

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