Buku Creative Economy Development

Penulis Prof. Dr. Ir. Dedeh Maryani, M.M., Jatnika Dwi Asri, S.E, M.E, M.Ak., dan Dr. Anindita Primastuti, M.E.
Kategori Buku Referensi
Bidang Ilmu
Ukuran 17.5×25 cm
Halaman x, 129 pages
Ketersediaan Pesan Dulu
Tahun 2024

Dikirim dari Sleman, Yogyakarta

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Sinopsis Buku Creative Economy Development

Buku Creative Economy Development

This Creative Economy Development book unveils the importance of developing the creative economy in Indonesia, so that the creative economy in Indonesia in the future can become the heart of the national economy. Comprised of seven chapters, this book discusses general introduction to creative economy development, creative economy as a new force in the Indonesian economy, directions and strategies for developing the creative economy, planning in creative economic development, stakeholders in creative economic development, as well as the role of creative economics in increasing regional competitiveness. May this book serve as a helpful reference to all readers who wish to broaden their insight on creative economy. Happy reading!

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