Buku Reading Folklore Everlasting Culture – Based Stories Meet Brain Teasers


Rp 108.000


PenulisMagdalena Br. Marpaung
KategoriBuku Referensi
Bidang IlmuBahasa dan Sastra
Ukuran15.5×23 cm
Halamanxvi, 109 hlm
KetersediaanPesan Dulu

Dikirim dari Sleman, Yogyakarta

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Sinopsis Buku Reading Folklore Everlasting Culture – Based Stories Meet Brain Teasers

Buku Reading Folklore Everlasting Culture – Based Stories Meet Brain Teasers READING FOLKLORE is designed due to the reading theory as an advantageous, complex, and nurtured processes (Marpaung, M. 2020, Marpaung, M. 2021., Kucukoglu, H. 2013). Reading for its advantageous enlarge reader’s capacity not only in its comprehension or even thinking skills but also in its vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, and passage structure. Furthermore, for its complex processes which is interrelated to its cognitive process, readers characteristics, and text’s characteristics (Marpaung, M. 2021) is defined reading as a process which is strongly affected by the familiarity of the passage. The more familiar readers to the passage the better the comprehension of the reader. The less familiar readers to the passage the less the comprehension of the reader. Furthermore, reading is also a nurturing process. Reading is a product of perception or attitude towards reading (Gomleksiz, 2004), further the attitude towards reading encompass factors of personal attribute and environmental (Marpaung, M. 2020), in addition to that reading is also related to frequency and preference (Marpaung, M. 2020), the frequency and preference of reading is the habit of reading itself. READING FOLKLORE is the complexity of reading advantageous, passage familiarity, and habit. A good reading process gives advantages not only in its comprehension ability but also in the drills of vocabulary, grammar, and passage structure. Reading attitude and reading habit are interrelated and supported one to another, and so creating an attractive and interesting reading process can build a positive reading attitude and derived the habit of reading better. Buku Reading Folklore Everlasting Culture – Based Stories Meet Brain Teasers ini diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Buku Pendidikan Deepublish. Dapatkan buku-buku berkualitas hanya di Toko Buku Online Deepublish. Kami berfokus menjual buku-buku kuliah untuk Mahasiswa di seluruh Indonesia, dengan pilihan terlengkap kamu pasti mendapatkan buku yang Anda cari. Kelebihan kami : *Buku Baru *Original *Pengiriman Cepat *Stok selalu tersedia *Packing aman & rapi *Garansi 100% jika produk rusak/cacat/tidak sesuai KAMI GANTI atau UANG ANDA KEMBALI

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