Informasi Tambahan
Berat | 1 kg |
Pengarang | |
Institusi | Universitas Galuh Ciamis |
Kategori | Proceeding |
Bidang Ilmu | Pendidikan |
ISBN | 2337-5043 |
Ukuran | A4 |
Halaman |
x + 336 halm |
Harga | Rp. 0 |
Ketersediaan | Pesan Dulu |
Sinopsis | Isi Jurnal 1. How Do I Activate My Students? (A Descriptive Study in the First Grade of Management Student in the Academic Year 2012-2013) Junjun Muhamad Ramdani, Neni Marlina 1 2. Teaching Grammar through Communicative Approach Tusino 6 3. The Effect of Quantum Teaching Strategy on Students’ Motivation in Speaking Class (An Experimental Study in Singaperbangsa University Karawang) Fikri Asih Wigati 12 4. Different Individual Learners as Factor Influencing The Success of Second Language Learning Metty Agustine Primary 17 5. Activities to Promote Classroom Communication Puryanti 22 6. Peer-Editing: A Strategy to Enhance the EFL Students’ Paragraph Development (A Case Study Conducted at English Education Program of Galuh University) Yusuf Hidayat, Didih Faridah 27 7. Critical Thinking in EFL of Indonesian Context Dedeh Rohayati, Ratna Utari 35 8. The Application of Scaffoldingin Teaching Reading Narrative Text Lilies Youlia Friatin 40 9. Optimizing Authentic Recording to Improve Students’ Interest in Listening Class Leni Irianti 47 10. Instructional Scaffolding and Its Implementation in Genre-Based Approach to Teaching Writing Asep Dudi Kurnia, Lystiana Nurhayat Hakim 51 11. Motivation as One of the Factors in Learning L2 Etika Rachmawati, Iim Darsim 57 12. An Investigation of Students’ Writing Problems Across Different Language Proficiency Levels (A Case Study in One University In Karawang) Fikri Asih Wigati, Tita Rosita, Yulita 61 13. The Effect of Modified Teacher’s Question on Describing Things by the Use of Pre-head Modifier in EFL Classroom Interaction Nacep Asmara 66 14. Enhancing Student’s Listening Skills through Online Learning Lidwina Sri Ardiasih 73 15. Creating Contextual English Language Instructions for Young Learners Ratih Kusumastuti, Lidwina Sri Ardiasih 78 16. Meaning Negotiation in EFL Context: A Wide Shoot of the Student-Centered from the Real Interaction in the Classroom Andi Rustandi, Dadang Sudana, Iwa Lukmana 83 17. Indonesian EFL Students’ Request Strategies Dadan Jauhara 89 18. Promoting Reflective Learning in Microteaching Class through Self and Peer Assessments Lusi Nurhayati 97 19. The Use of Questioning Strategy in Lecturing Mode of Teaching (A case study in a Geography classroom in a senior high school in Cimahi) Neti, Ainun Jariyah 104 20. Self- and Peer-assessment to Promote Students’ Learning Autonomy Jamilah 111 21. The Benefits of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (Call) in the Implementation of Student-Centered Learning (A Near Future Trend of TEFL) Soni Holis 115 22. Exploring Multimedia in Teaching Reading in Terms of Robby’s Model as an Alternative Media Jumbuh Prabowo 122 23. Error Analysis Study in Junior High School Students’ Recount Text Anang Rifqy 126 24. Promoting the Students-Centeredness through Cooperative Learning H. Welya Roza 132 25. Teaching Reading by Using GIST Nuri Ati Ningsih 135 26. Supportive Moves Realization in Requesting Agis Andriani 140 27. Back to Basics: A Reflection on the Teaching of Grammar in the Forein Language Class Bambang Sugeng 145 28. The Use of Two Stay Two Stray Method to Improve the Speaking Skillsof XII Grade Students of SMAN 7 Purworejo in the Academic Year of 2012/2013 Agus Setiyono 151 29. The Analysis of Students Translation Kinds in Translating English Idioms Rina Herlina, Elly Resly Rachlan, Cahyadi 156 30. Teachers & Learners: Effective Teaching, Learning and Assessment to Develop Students’ Performance in the Classroom Delsa Miranty 160 31. Literature Studies Curricula for EFL Teachers Education: Revisited for Catering Pre- and Inservice Teachers’ Needs Iskhak 164 32. The Use of Communication Strategies in EFL Classroom Erlik Widiyani Styati 172 33. The Application of Cooperative Learning: Think-Pair-Share (TPS) in Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Yazid Rukmayadi, Sidik Indra N, Asep Dhani Gandani 177 34. The Preservation of Indonesian Cultural Identity in Teaching Materials of English Primary School Textbooks: A case of Bandung Asep Burhanudin 182 35. The Influence of Games Method in Teaching of English Grammar for Junior High School toward Students’ Achievements (Case study of seventh graders of a junior high school in Bandung) Dewi Isnaeni, Intan Satriani 188 36. Levels of Multilingualism and Levels of Creativity Neti 197 37. Reader-Response as the Means to Improve Students’ Critical Comprehension in Reading Literary Works R. Bunga Febriani 203 38. The Move of Teacher Talk in the Productive Skill Classes at the English Education Department of Muria Kudus University Fitri Budi Suryani 206 39. Using Facebook to Stimulate more Teacher-Students and Students-Students Interactions Hartono 210 40. Accommodating Students’ Multiple Intelligences in Planning a Lesson Paulus Widiatmoko 216 41. Improving Students’ Speaking Ability through Graded Expression Practice for Discussion (A Mini Classroom Research at English Department Class) U.D. Guntoro 222 42. The Role of Peer Editing in Enhancing Students’ Micro Skills in Writing Class Yuyus Saputra 228 43. “From Pleasure to Pressure”: Bringing Out Extensive Reading Program to the Classroom to Engage a Love of Reading of University Students Farid Noor Romadlon 233 44. Tasks and Socio-Affective Learning Strategies of Good Language Learners (GLLS) Misdi 238 45. Implementing Edmodo in Blended Classroom Activities Cep Ubad Abdullah, Erik Yudha Pratama, Fauzy Rahman Kosasih 245 46. Linguistics Factors that Become Students’ Obstacles to Speak in English Class Juhana 250 47. Mentoring Program for Novice Teachers in the First Year of Teaching Dwiyani Pratiwi 255 48. The Assessment of Pedagogical Knowledge in English Teacher Candidates: Setting, Tryout, and Analysis Deden Rahmat Hidayat, Marcha S. I. Matitaputty, Tantri Wandansari 259 49. Analysis Modality and Politeness Strategy on Lecturer-Students’Short Text Message Interaction Ana Yusyfiana, Indriani Kuswanto 265 50. The Implementation of Project Based Learning in Learning Idioms AndreasWinardi 270 51. Challenging and Enchanting Techniques to Address Pronounciation Problems (A Workshop) Retno Wiyati 275 52. Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skill through Task-Based Instruction (A Classroom Action Research at the Fifth Grade Students of SDN 2 Panumbangan in the Academic Year 2011/2012) Fera Sulastri, Ratu Sarah Pujasari 278 53. Teaching English through an English Short Story to Improve Junior High School Students’ Reading Ability (A Case Study Conducted at Junior High School Two in Mangunjaya-Ciamis) Dede Siti Hodijah 284 54. A Study of Language Learning Strategies Used by Secondary School Students in Improving Their Writing Proficiency Aa Surahmat 292 55. Cohesion of Abstracts Used in Skripsi of English Education Department of Muria Kudus University Slamet Utomo 298 56. Dictogloss: Enhancing Students’ Creativity and Listening Comprehension Aisyah Hamidiyah, Siti Suharsih 303 57. From English for Specific Purposes to General English Perspectives Diding Fahrudin 307 58. Learning English Using How the Natural Way of Learning Language Uses for the Beginners Syaiful Bahri 313 59. Deepening Understanding of (Positive) Washback in Language Testing SutrisnoSadjiEvenddy 317 60. Helping Students’ Reading Ability by Activating Their Schemata Misbahudin 321 61. While Our Children are not Learning English in Elementary Schools Nury Supriyanti 325 62. The Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Papua; its Ongoing Controversial Issues and Innovative Solutions towards a Better ELT Planning Program for New Papuans Yohana Susana Yembise 329 63. SPEAKING: Insights into Dramatic Text for Classroom Reading Sri Widiastuti, Murti Ayu Wijayanti 333 |
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